I am Mingo.
Are you threatening us?
Chapter 14

Attention CULT MEMBERS! We have made a survey! We want you all to fill it out, now.....RIGHT NOW! So here it is. Go fill it out, or Mingo WILL get angry!

Now don't get to excited but we're posting a double helping this time.... Yes a fell chapter of New Evilness for your reading pleasure

Chapter 14: Accusations

Ivy and Osanna were getting ready for supper themselves when a owl appeared at the window, Osanna left the chicken and opened the window, allowing it to flutter in and land on the table, she removed the letter and opened it, Ivy suddenly appearing over her shoulder.

"Professors October and Cariad,

Percy Weasley's parents are in my office, if you please, they wish to speak to you. The password is Sugar Quill, we will be waiting.


Most Fondly

Albus Dumbledore"

Ivy rolled her eyes and shook her head in irritation. "Oh Good Gods!" Osanna looked equally thrilled.

"Well, we haven�t a choice, slap on your innocent face and let's be done with it!"

Ivy nodded, grabbed her cane and waited by the door as Osanna moved the chicken off the stove, the two of them then set off across school grounds together. They had entered the school when most everyone was making their way to dinner, a group of teachers moved past them, Mcgonnagal, Flitwick and Sprout, both women caught the glares and the whispers.

"How did they get jobs here?"

"Albus felt sorry for them I bet..."

"I feel sorry for their students..."

"You know I heard one of them..." a group of loud Hufflepuffs moved past, blocking the rest of the conversation from their ears, all they caught were the last few words a moment later.

"With one of her students!"

Osanna's brows nearly shot off her forehead; Ivy however remained a mask of calm and cunning blankness. Osanna admired that, especially since they had most assuredly been talking about her. They moved on to Dumbledore's office where Osanna voiced the password.

"Sugar Quill"

The wall swung open and they stepped on the revolving staircase, Osanna placed a hand on her friend's shoulder, she may not be showing her anger, but it was most assuredly there, lurking under the surface, but Ivy had too much pride to ever say anything. Ivy' smile of encouragement was enough for Osanna, she squeezed Ivy's shoulder and they stepped into Dumbledore's office.

There stood Molly and Arthur Weasley, Dumbledore hovered behind his desk, like a nervous hummingbird, picking things up and replacing them in different spots on his desk.

"Ah yes, there they are" Dumbledore said in a comforting tone of voice as he came around his desk to stand next to Molly and Arthur.

Ivy stepped forward first and switched her cane to her left hand, then extended her right to Mrs. Weasley.

"Ivy Cariad pleased to meet you." Molly took her hand after placing the tissue she had used to wipe her eyes in her purse. "Molly Weasley."

Ivy then exchanged introductions with Mr. Weasley, and Osanna did likewise, after the round of exchanges the four settled into chairs and Dumbledore made his way back behind his desk.

"Professor Cariad, Professor October, Mrs. and Mr. Weasley wished to speak to you about Percy's elopement."

Osanna nodded and put on her best sympathetic face. "Of course, we had expected this, allow me to say that both Ivy and I agree that Percy was a wonderful student...."

Molly nodded and looked as if she were about to speak when Arthur interrupted. "Our son Ronald, he seems to think that you Ladies had something to do with..."

Both Molly and Dumbledore jumped in to interrupt; Dumbledore however beat her to the chase.

"Now now Arthur, I have told you that I know for a fact no such thing has transpired here,� Albus said gently.

Molly nodded. "I agree Arthur, looking at these two women, I really believe them, and besides, Albus believes in them and that's proof enough for me."

She glanced at Ivy who quickly plastered on her best "I-Am-Cute-And-Innocent" smile.

Arthur nodded and sighed heavily. "I just wanted to ask them myself."

Ivy interrupted then, changing her usually cold, snotty, Holier-Than-Thou voice to something warmer and more sympathetic. "Of course you did, and neither I or Osanna can blame you, we are most sympathetic to your situation. If it were my child I would do the same, I will tell you what I told Albus." She paused her and smiled warmed up the room, Osanna bit her tongue until it bled so she didn�t laugh." Osanna and I went to speak to Percy about a few problems we were having with Ronald, Fred and George, they had been playing some terrible pranks on one of our students..."

"Draco Malfoy" Arthur interrupted.

Ivy's brows quirked but she continued on. "Yes, Draco Malfoy, in any case, I admire Percy, plus being Head Boy and a prefect I thought perhaps he could talk some sense into your other three...so we talked to him in the Gryffindor Common Room, as I told Albus, he seemed a bit nervous, and was writing a note on parchment...and that is really all we know."

She nodded matter-of-factly. The Weasleys mother let her head sink and sighed.

�Well, I suppose he did leave with Penelope. I just wish he had thought enough of us to let us know. We would have been fully behind the wedding if he had only waited to finish school.�

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, �Yes, it�s a pity to lose such an intelligent boy. I had high hopes for him and he seemed set for a fine career in the Ministry. But, can�t be helped and whets done is done. I will of course leave his place open for a couple of years if he ever wishes to return and complete his education.�

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley stood up and bade their farewells to Dumbledore. Osanna stood up to leave also but Ivy put a hand out to stop her. �Albus, Osanna and I are very concerned about the seeming rise of the Death Eaters. If there is anything we could do to help do let us know.�

Dumbledore looked thoughtful for a moment, �The thing we need is information. There just isn�t enough even in our vast Library to discover the whereabouts of all the Death Eaters that remain. Include the fact that many claimed to be acting under the Imperiius curse and you leave us with no idea of what and who are what.�

Osanna saw her chance and jumped in. �The Library at the Ministry of Magic is the most extensive in the world is it not? I�m sure there would be some information there that may be able to help us.�

�Yes, but no one has the time to go searching through all that. Plus no one else seems convinced that they and Voldermorte are returning, Fudge has them all blinded by his stupidity.� Dumbledore sat down at his desk with a slight thump of resignation. �I would like to do some research there next week during the winter holidays but unfortunately I have to attend a rather tiresome conference on International Standards at Magical Academies. McGonnagal will be accompanying me so I will be leaving Severus in charge in our absence�.

�Well Ivy and I have no current plans for the holidays and I myself would enjoy a trip to London. If you would give us a letter of access we would be quite happy to do some investigating� Osanna tried to make the sentence sound relaxed and helpful but still failed to slow down the words as they poured from her mouth.

�Yes a trip to London would be quite handy there are a few items that I can�t get in Hogsmede that I could pick up at the same time and of course it would be a chance for us to do our bit against Voldemorte.� Ivy pushed a little trying to persuade Dumbledore to agree.

Dumbledore studied the faces of the two young women who sat before him. They were confident, yes and had dealt with the quidditch attack without so much as a raised heartbeat. But they had listened to him speak Voldermorte�s name and had spoken it themselves without any of the usual sudden intakes of breath that one came to expect from all members of the magical world. They had only been young children and would not fully have understood the events that had rocked the world when he was last powerful, but still they should have some fear just from the tales that were occasionally told around the fires of the more disreputable establishments. Interesting young women, very interesting. Could these be the ones who would finally stand up to Voldermorte and defeat him? They were powerful, more powerful than they probably realized and then there was this bond, which had seen them through so many events and places. That made them stronger too, but could they? Could they really do it?

Osanna and Ivy watched impatiently as Dumbledore seemed to be off in a little dream world, unsure whether or not to bring him back or let the sands of reality work their way back to them.

Albus snapped back into his office and stared at the women, �Yes,� He picked up a quill and parchment and began hastily scribbling on it, �I�m writing a note giving you permission to enter the restricted section of the Ministry�s library, under the pretence that you are doing research on the students that disappeared. Any distant relatives in Las Vegas and whatnot. I�ll look forwards to hearing your report on my return�. He handed Osanna the parchment and she tucked it into the top of her high boots.

They left by the staircase and remained silent until they reached their house, wary of unexpected eavesdroppers and spies.

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